Routine day-to-day maintenance and care of our Koi pond.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pond Log October 2010

October 2, 2010 - Did a partial water change today.  Added 8 oz of Microbe Lift PL, 25 ml of KoiZyme, 2 oz of Barley Extract with Peat, and cleaned off the 2" skimmer filter media.  At midnight, I noticed that the pump had stopped pumping, so after some switching back and forth, (LONG STORY) I was able to get my spare pump working.

October 3, 2010 - I noticed today that my water level was about 4" lower this afternoon than it was in the AM.  After some investigation, I noticed that barrel #1 was overflowing, even though the sealed top was in place.  I had to close a ball valve about a ¼ turn to prevent the overflow.  My media was clean, and there was no blockage.  I guess the back-up pump had a bit more power.  The pump that went bad worked almost two full seasons.

October 5, 2010 - Cleaned off the 2" skimmer filter media this AM, and added 1 oz of OneFix.  So far the water level is holding steady!

October 7, 2010 - Cleaned off the 2" skimmer filter media.  Water level holding steady.

October 10, 2010 - Cleaned off the 2" skimmer filter media.  Added the last of my Microbe Lift PL near the skimmer, about 8 oz.  Also added 25 ml of KoiZyme by the falls, and 2 oz of Barley Extract plus Peat near the falls.

October 11, 2010 - No school today, off for Columbus Day.  Clipped off the cat tails today and sunk them to the bottom of the pond.  Most of it was dried and dead, but there were some new sprouts looking like they were going to take off.  Might have to transplant next year, it looks like the roots are pot-bound.  Brought in one of the Great Heroin decoys.

October 15, 2010 - Cleaned off the 2" skimmer filter media.

October 18, 2010 - Cleaned off the 2" skimmer filter media.  Added 25ml of KoiZyme, 2oz of Barley Extract with Peat, and 3 tea spoons of cold weather bacteria.  Added some water due to evaporation.  Water looks very clear.

October 19, 2010 - Took out the tropical plant today, along with the block I set them on during the summer.

October 20, 2010 - Took out the pond lights today.  I cleaned and stored them for the winter.  I also removed the two wood duck decoys and put them away as well.

October 22, 2010 - Cleaned off the 2" skimmer filter media.  Added 25ml of KoiZyme, 2oz of Barley Extract with Peat, and 3 tea spoons of cold weather bacteria.  Also added 3oz of blue pond tint.  I noticed a lot of string algae again near the skimmer, and coming off the falls. 

October 25, 2010 - Cleaned off the 2" skimmer filter media.  Added 2 oz of OneFix.

October 26, 2010 - Added the black leaf net due to high winds forcasted.

October 28,  2010 - Cleaned off the 2" skimmer filter media. Added 2 oz of OneFix.

October 30, 2010 - Closed down the pond for the season.  Started at noon and finished at 5:00.
  • Removed the black leaf net put on earlier in the week.
  • Pumped about a foot of water out of the pond.
  • Pumped out the skimmer pit.
  • Removed the pump and stored in 5 gallon bucket in fresh water.
  • Pressure washed the skimmer pit media, and the Matala Mat media.
  • Put an air pump hose into both the pond and the skimmer pit.
  • Put on the white, thin mesh, winter cover over the pond. (See Photo Below)
  • Removed all bacteria media from the two 55 gallon barrels. (See Photo Below)
  • Rinsed out the two 55 gallon barrels.
  • Rinsed off the bacteria media with fresh water. (See Photo Below)
  • Put all the tools away after closing the pond.
  • Stored all the bacteria media in the large garbage receptacle near the garage door.
October 31, 2010 - Closed up the two 55 gallon barrels for the season.

Photos Taken 10-31-2010
Photos of Bio Media drying out.

November 1, 2010 - Used a new air device to try and pump any water out of my PVP pipes.  I received no resistance, so I am guessing that there is no water in the pipes.  I HOPE!!

November 6, 2010 - All the leaves fell off the Ginkgo tree this morning.

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